Study work and rest schedule.


Work in nursing


Rest is important


Sleep is vital

Most of the people who study for OET, and also for other exams, are working full or part-time, and often have to base their studying and reviewing around their job.

We at OETMedical understand the demands this places on people, both mentally and physically, which is why we have provided, what we think, are the best ways to accomplish this.

You can see the diagram above.  Although the main focus is work and study, many overlook the importance of sleep (unless your shift is changed at short notice, which happens a lot). Effective studying can only happen when the body is physically alert. This is when information is absorbed the most. Information is retained more effectively, and can also be recalled/remembered more easily.


  1. Try to forward plan (when possible) to enable you to have periods where your study is more effective (eg: If you wake up and have several hours before you go to work). Studying immediately after waking ( most of us follow the day/night pattern)is more beneficial for some, because the brain and body are at their most alert. However, other prefer to study later in the afternoon or evening, as it is more peaceful and aids recall.
  2. Decide which is the optimum time for you (Day or Night)(, and try to base your study time on this.
  3. Never over-study. Although the benefits if studying are obvious, too much can be detrimental, and prove counter-productive (Over-study)Collegian . Study in ‘chunks’ of time such as 30 minutes to 1 hour. Everyone is different, but these are recommended figures.
  4. Sleep.  This is the reason that we included ‘sleep’ in the introductory diagram. Sleep is a huge factor in both working and studying. If we do not get enough, or do not have effective sleep (i.e: we wake up refreshed) then both work and study suffer.
  5. A study plan is another valuable asset. If you are a former IELTS student and know which parts of your English are stronger and which are weaker, base your plan around this knowledge.  Spend significantly more time on your weaker elements than your stronger ones.  If possible 1-2 per study period on the weaker elements, whereas 30-1 hour on the stronger ones.
  6. Although there is no ‘one study plan’ for everyone, here is a guide which will be useful for you (How to Study)(c/o